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Clint Sabom's Journey through Steps 4-6

Further work in 'Initiation into Hermetics'

About this Course

The magical journey continues in Initiation Into Hermetics with steps 4, 5, and 6. These steps, in fact, are the gateway to higher magic and adepthood. However, many problems and difficulties can arise when working these important steps. Bardon’s minimalistic and sometimes dry language leaves much open to interpretation and the individual discernment of the practitioner. 


The course addresses these difficulties and provides ways to overcome them. I speak from my own experience, not merely theory, and offer the student the ways and methods that worked for me making it through these steps. In this course, the student will be guided through supplemental strategies not provided in the text. Often, the ‘how to’ method in the text is minimal, and I offer more practices to help the student achieve higher magic.  


 As these steps solidify and strengthen magical equilibrium, they are not only of vital importance; they are my favorite steps in the entire text, as they catalyzed the advanced abilities for me and even led me to achieve higher abilities before I had worked the rest of the steps. It is my intention here to provide a simple and direct solution to the challenge of steps 4, 5, and 6. The content in this course is exclusive and will not be found on my YouTube channel or anywhere else.

A special thanks, too, to Frater IAC who provided invaluable feedback in the construction of this course. 

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Overcoming The Difficulties In Steps 4,5, & 6: Further Work In 'Initiation Into Hermetics'


Clint Sabom

Clint Sabom is an Executive Spiritual Coach for Bardon practitioners. He went to Vassar College where at 21 he had a spontaneous kundalini awakening. He has lived in a silent monastery, is widely published, and also works as a psychic. He offers coaching sessions those interested. He can be reached at